Dianna Murphy
Position title: Co-Director
Email: diannamurphy@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 262-1473
1322 Van Hise Hall

Dianna Murphy (PhD, Slavic Linguistics, Ohio State University) is co-director of the Russian Flagship Program, director of the Language Institute, and a core member of the Doctoral Program in Second Language Acquisition. Murphy’s professional experience in Russian includes serving as resident director for study abroad programs to Russia, teaching Russian language and literature, developing instructional materials for advanced-level learners, and conducting research on language teaching and learning. She is co-editor, with Russian Flagship director Karen Evans-Romaine, of the first book on U.S. Language Flagship programs: Exploring the Language Flagship: Professional Competence in a Second Language by Graduation (Multilingual Matters, 2016). More information about Dr. Murphy is on her website.